Corporate Social Responsibility

Family Council Awards Recognize Winnington as a Family-Friendly Employer
Winnington Capital has won Family-Friendly Employers Awards from The Family Council, an advisory body to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The award was presented to the company on 3 November 2011.
The Family Council is committed to forging closer, more harmonious relationships among family members. Its awards scheme, which was kicked-off in April, received an overwhelming response with 1,112 applications submitted from various business sectors. The judging panel evaluated companies based on their implementation of a caring culture through their policies and practices.
Winnington was acknowledged for its excellent performance in promoting family core values as reflected in its corporate culture and policy. The company also works to ensure balance between work and family life, which ultimately contributes to a more positive, energetic spirit among employees at home and in the workplace. To instill a sense of "family" at work, Winnington has introduced a number of measures, such as medical insurance, that benefit both employees and their families.
In addition, Winnington has implemented a five-day work week so that employees can enjoy more time with their families. If employees need a temporary leave of absence due to family matters, the company can arrange for flexi-working hours.
As an extension of the family-at-work concept, the company organizes recreational activities designed to engage employees and their families as well as enhancing work relationships.
Winnington believes that an enterprise should not only operate as a profitable business but also promote better relationships among families and work colleagues as this helps create a more harmonious society. The Family-Friendly Employers awards received by Winnington mark a new step in this direction for the company, which has pledged to make further efforts to provide a more family-friendly working environment for its employees.